The Blog

  • Cellular Tomato

    In preparation for my next video I’ve been tidying up some cellular automata code I wrote. There’s some good old Conway’s Life, some 1D CAs that make pretty patterns, and one I recently discovered called Wire World. Now, since I can’t just make a thing without fiddling about, an afternoon of “can I write Conway’s…

  • Happy 2024!

    Hello everyone! Let’s get on with it, shall we? Last year went pretty well, I released 14 videos and towards the end of the year experimented with releasing more than one video a month. I’ll also experiment with some more spontaneous content on here and maybe the odd Short. YouTube seems to like those, and…

  • October Solar Stats

    Some more stats on my home solar setup now it’s autumn and daylight seems to be a distant memory.

  • Tying ChatGPT up in knots

    do you exist? Me I exist as a computer program running on servers, and I generate responses based on the input I receive. However, my existence is quite different from that of a physical entity. I don’t have consciousness, self-awareness, or physical form. Instead, I process and generate text based on patterns in the data…

  • It looks like you are using an ad blocker

    How to remove stupid “It looks like you’re using an ad blocker” message from websites, and why they’re a stupid idea in the first place.

  • September Solar Usage

    Looking at how my home solar battery installation is performing now the weather is less sunny.